"Focusing" is a body awareness technique in which we access information from the unconscious (stored in the body) and make it known to the conscious mind. In any situation, your body contains volumes of information. Many of us don't know how to access this information through our mind because it doesn't follow the same logic as our cognitive mind. The body stores information as a "felt sense". Our bodies contain all the wisdom and answers we ever need in any situation; it knows the exact "next step" that is right for you and it is capable of directing you to that next step if you learn how to listen.

It is an incredibly powerful technique and sometimes a few moments of focusing can create more change and movement than years of therapy (especially if you've been stuck in a pattern).

Focusing can be so powerful because it goes beyond thought and feeling to touch the place underneath it. We do a number of things with feelings - we minimize, analyze, rationalize, etc. Even if you fully feel the feeling but it’s as bad as last time, you need focusing to access the place from where the discomfort arises. It exists in the body – it is physical. And so the technique to fix it must also be physical. We must use our body’s life-centered positive force to become aware and profoundly heal ourselves and use our own bodies as a GPS for our lives!