“When will you begin that long journey into yourself?” - Rumi

As human beings, we all have unique strengths and gifts. We are enormously powerful. When we are very young children, we know this and we joyfully and comfortably express even our oddest idiosyncrasies. Unfortunately, as we grow up we are all conditioned by the world and we start to perceive reality through a foggy lens, and then we develop personalities and defenses as a way to cope with what we see. In this process, we necessarily lose contact with the part of us that is most real, happy, loving, secure and resilient. We are never taught how to deal with this traumatic disconnect and this contributes to a lifetime of unnecessary struggle.

 Uncovering and subsequently expressing our authentic, true selves is not only the single greatest service to ourselves but also a most necessary and rewarding contribution to the world. In every area of life - work, relationships, lifestlye habits, hobbies, etc. - it is entirely possible to start discovering, understanding and transforming ourselves into who we want to be now. Typically, people try to change undesirable aspects of themselves through force, control and will. This approach may work for a few aspects for a limited amount of time. For the stickier, more troubling bits, we need to go deeper. 

My goal is to support and guide you in uncovering the layers that obscure your most wonderful, natural state of being in every area of life and to help you be the most empowered, happy and confident version of yourself.